Playing Equipment  

 Q: What playing equipment will my child need? 

 A: Your child will need the following: 

  •  Uniform Jersey (provided by team) 
  •  Balls – (provided by team) Softball Pants (any color for practice, color for team uniform will be decided by manager/ league and communicated before games begin.) 
  •  Cleats - (Metal cleats shall not be permitted except for the 14U division.) 
  •  Bat – All bats shall meet USA Softball rules and guidelines and have the USA Softball approval stamp. Altered bats shall not be permitted.  
  •  Fielder’s Mask - Required to be worn when playing any defensive position.  
  •  Batting Helmet - Fully approved batting helmets shall be mandatory at all practices and games while on the playing field in the on-deck circle, batting, or base running. All helmets must have a face shield. (During the All-Star season, helmets must also have a chin strap.) 
  •  Glove – For general guidance, we recommend: 9” to 11.5” for softball players under the age of 8 10” to 12” for softball players between the ages of 10 and 14 

Age Groups 

 Q: What division should my daughter play in based on her age? 

 A: Please see the USA softball chart below.


 Q: What happens during evaluations? 

 A: Players will sign it at the check in table, get a number that they’ll stick to the back of their shirt, and begin their warmup. The players are run through a pre-determined set of offensive and defensive drills. Each manager uses their list to record their evaluation of each player’s offensive and defensive skills. Players should bring their own bat, glove, helmet, face guard, and cleats.   Player placement after the draft will be in the interest of fair play and team equity. Placement is determined by the managers and/or Player Agents, and are not subject to appeal.   

 Playing Up or Down 

 Q: What does playing up mean? 

 A: In order to fill out team rosters or coaching positions in an upper division (excluding 6U), it may be necessary to allow a small number of qualified players to be moved to an advanced division.   Any “play up” requests must be submitted along with an explanation in writing or electronically to the Player Agent no later than evaluation day. All decisions made are not subject to appeal. Placement in a lower division requires that the following criteria be met:                     

  • Player must have permission from parent or legal guardian.                     
  • Player must be within one year of the upper division in which they are requesting to play.                     
  • Player must participate in the evaluation for both the upper division they are requesting to play in as well as their league- age division.                     
  • Player must be skill-qualified for the upper division in which they are requesting to play. 
  • The player must also not be a safety risk. This determination will be made by the player’s league- age division managers and applicable Player Agent.                      
  • Placement in an upper division may be allowed during the Spring Recreational Season but may not be allowed during the All Star Program, pending approval.                     
  • League- age 6 year olds may be allowed to “play up” one division if they have at least one year of softball experience. The Player Agent will determine eligibility.   

 Q: What does playing down mean? 

 A.   In rare cases, a parent, manager, or Player Agent may feel that a player’s skill does not align with other players in their league- age division and may cause a safety risk. In such cases, the league will suggest that these players “play down” in a lower division. Any “play down” requests must be submitted along with an explanation in writing or electronically to the Player Agent no later than evaluation day. All decisions made are not subject to appeal. Placement in a lower division requires that the following criteria be met:                    

  • Player must be within one year of the lower division in which they are requesting to play.                      
  • Player must participate in the evaluation for both the lower division they are requesting to play in as well as their league- age division.                      
  • Player must be skill-qualified for the lower division in which they are requesting to play. The player must also not be a safety risk. This determination shall be made by the player’s league- age division managers.                     
  • Player must have the consent of the Player Agent and the Board of Directors.                      
  • Placement in a lower division may be allowed during the Spring Recreational Season only but will not be allowed during the All Star Program.